How We Got Started

Like many great ideas, it all started in the kitchen. In 2006, I started making bar soaps for me and my family. I was tired with commercial soaps made by big companies using big chemicals. Sure we got clean, but I was convinced I could do better and if you know better, do better. Right?  

 I wanted a rich, creamy, all-vegetable natural soap that wowed me. I wanted showers to be an extraordinary experience. I didn't just want to get clean; I wanted my soap to be a true pleasure to use. I wanted to get feel great, feel clean and have a shower that smelled amazing. I wanted soap made with natural, simple and wholesome ingredients that were good for me and for nature. And lastly, I wanted lather and Tamarack Soap Works was born.   Sure we got clean, but I was convinced I could do better and if you know better, do better. Right? I wanted a rich, creamy, all-vegetable natural soap that wowed me.

A Canadian Company Influenced By Canadian EcoSystems

We are located just east of the Canadian Rocky Mountains. It is here that Tamarack trees grow wild and free, and drink clean, Canadian water from hundreds of lakes and streams.

Canada has some of the cleanest and purest water in the world so I started from there.

Producing Quality

I set some pretty high standards for our bar soaps right from day one! I wanted a soap that cleaned my body yet was creamy, bubbly and melted into my skin and I wanted a silky lather. Introducing pure coconut and olive oils did the job - they conditioned my skin and it felt smooth, soft, and definitely younger and adding just the right amount of castor oil gave our soap the bones to build on.

One of my key objectives was that I wanted our premium bars to smell fantastic. All of our bars are made with the finest renewable 100% pure therapeutic grade essential oils. We wanted the deepest, richest, and most aromatic scents available.

Our Process

My premium bars had to work right down to the last little bit and in my book, a little bit has to go a long way. We put over 70 drops of rich and potent therapeutic essential oil in each and every bar. A lot of commercial bars have their scents and hardness concentrated near the surface. That means the smell wears off early and the bars dissolve faster as they get smaller and smaller. Again, not cool !

We handcraft our soaps in small batches. We then use only eco-friendly, earth conscious, all-vegetable simple ingredients. No detergents, additives, colors, chemicals, fillers, or even air – Why pay for air?  We then do it slowly.

Each soap bar is hand-cut and air dried for 28 days to ensure they are long lasting and stable.

Our Wish To You

From your very first bar through to the ones we made this morning, we are thrilled to be able to share with you, what our customers tell us,  is simply the most wonderful shower experience out there. 

So join our forest of "Bubbleheads."  and change your world with bubbles by #bethebubble.

Change Your World - Get Naked - Make Bubbles

Love Richard Williams "Bubbles"

A Lather You'll Never Forget